Therapy is the work that we do to enable us to experience a shift in our feelings, our way of thinking or our behaviours that are negatively impacting us, this is sometimes called a ‘therapeutic movement’. It can be experienced as a sense of clarity, or a feeling of finding ‘breathing space’ within yourself. Some people experience it as a feeling of comfort, of ‘joining the dots’, or finally appreciating something that wasn’t previously conscious to them but was ‘niggling’ them under the surface.
Therapy is a sense of learning, of accepting, of acknowledging. It creates a sense of cohesion, or wholeness, some people call this sensation ‘healing’. Therapy provides individuals with a sense of movement, of moving forward, of appreciating and accepting life as it is right now, even if that is a place of discomfort.
Therapy is a lot of different things for a lot of different people but the peace it brings is universal and ultimately experienced as something joyful.
The work we do together can be painful and difficult at times but the resulting freedom and regaining of happiness and calm are always worth the journey.